June 9, 2020

Leech Lake Fishing Report 6.9.20
Walleye fishing remains good on the main basin of Leech Lake. The water temps are sitting in the mid to upper 60’s across the lake. Most anglers are finding their fish in 14-20 ft of water running a bottom bouncer with a crawler harness or Slow death rig, or a lindy rig with a Leech and plain red hook. Areas to look at right now are West Bar, Red Rocks, Diamond Point and Clay Banks. For those looking to escape the heat during the day, night fishing has been good trolling crankbaits in 6 ft of water, or using slip bobbers with a leech on top of a rock pile. The bugs have not hatched yet on the lake and the warming water has not slowed the bite down. The walleye should continue to bite especially with a little cool down this week.
Musky opener was good this past weekend, with some nice fish being reported. The anglers that are using safety pin spinners and smaller inline spinners are finding fish. Look near the beach on Bear Island, Diamond Point and Miller bay for active musky. The water temps are warming fast and it should continue to get better.
Panfish action continues to be very strong across the lake. The crappies have moved into the 5-10 ft range in sucker and boy bay. Using your favorite plastic and jig, or slip bobber and minnow is the best way to catch them. Bluegills are on their beds and can be found shallow in Boy, Headquarters and Sucker Bays.